Flags |
i | make the pattern case insensitive |
g | search for every occurrence of the matching pattern |
Position Characters |
^ | pattern must be at the start of the text string |
$ | pattern must be at the end of the text string |
\b | match a position that is a word boundary (the point between a word character and
a non-word character |
\B | match a position that is not a word boundary |
Character Classes |
\d | match any digit 0-9 |
\D | match any character that is not a digit |
\w | match any word character (0-9, A-Z, a-z, or _ ) |
\W | match any non-word character |
\s | match any whitespace character (space, tab, newline, carriage return, form feed) |
\S | match any non-whitespace character |
. | match any character |
Character Classes |
[chars] | match any characters (chars) within the brackets |
[^chars] | match any character except those within the brackets (chars)
[char1-charN] | match characters in the range char1 through charN |
[^char1-charN] | do not match characters in the range char1 through charN |
Repetition Characters |
* | repeat zero or more times |
? | repeat zero or one time |
+ | repeat one or more times |
{n} | repeat exactly n times |
{n, } | repeat at least n times |
{n,m} | repeat at least n times, but no more than m times |
Escape Sequences |
\/ | match a / |
\\ | match a \ |
\. | match a . |
\* | match a * |
\+ | match a + |
\? | match a ? |
\| | match a | |
\( | match a ( |
\) | match a ) |
\{ | match a { |
\} | match a } |
\^ | match a ^ |
\$ | match a $ |
\n | match a new line |
\r | match a carriage return |
\t | match a tab |
Alternative and Grouping Characters |
chars1|chars2 | match either the chars1 or chars2 character patterns |
(chars) | group the character pattern char and treat it as a single unit. Matched groups are captured and available for later procession as back-reference |
\n | the back-reference to group n |
(?chars) | group the character pattern char and treat it as a single unit. Matched groups are not back-referenced |