Marlin Internet Pricing Data Starter ($19.95 per month) ========================== Download Speed: 15 Mbps Upload Speed: 3 Kbps Cloud Storage: 2 GB E-mail Accounts: 2 Accounts 24/7 Support: Yes Summary: Just the speed you need to send emails, download map directions, and search the Internet for restaurant reviews. Prime ($29.95 per month) ========================== Download Speed: 30 Mbps Upload Speed: 6 Mbps Cloud Storage: 5 GB E-mail Accounts: 3 Accounts 24/7 Support: Yes Summary: A great speed at a great price for the family: kids can play games, adults can pay bills, and everyone can surf at the same time. Prime ($49.95 per month) ========================== Download Speed: 50 Mbps Upload Speed: 10 Mbps Cloud Storage: 15 GB E-mail Accounts: 5 Accounts 24/7 Support: Yes Summary: Super speeds for multiple tasks that require more broadband capacity; ideal for gamers who need fast response times. Ultra ($69.95 per month) ========================== Download Speed: 100 Mbps Upload Speed: 20 Mbps Cloud Storage: 40 GB E-mail Accounts: 10 Accounts 24/7 Support: Yes Summary: Perfect for a small business running multiple media streams, demanding reduced lag time and fast data delivery.